Week 4MedTech

 Week 4 Blog: MedTech

April 26, 2024

In Lecture 3 Vesna inspired me to discover that plastic surgery was used long ago, about 4000 years ago, and it was a old eastern style in the medical field. There is a similarity between art and medicine, nowadays its called plastic surgery, and the main goal is the appearance aspect. The one cool thing that I found out about art and medicine is that there are other medical procedure that's related to art. 

I did a procedure a while back and it was called "echocardiography" and echocardiography is a procedure when the doctor uses a machine to see how blood flows by using sound waves. In lecture 2 Vesna mentioned that to be able to detect a diseases without invasive procedures, the doctors needs to do a non invasive method which consist of MRI, X-ray and CAT. Using these methods reminds me of art because the way the pumping the blood goes across my body, I can feel a more rhythmic vibration. 

When Casini said she felt a "aural hallucination" when doing the MRI while she was breathing at the same time as the machine that makes noises. When I was doing my echocardiogram procedure I was thinking about the sound and images that went with the sound despite the fact there was no reflection that I could see. I could literally hear my heart pounding which gave an image in my head of myself and at the same time my heart chamber when the ultrasound shifted the machine to different areas on my chest. For me I thought it was cool that the vibration were uncomfortable in some places and some places had some weird feeling. The ultra sound machine made me more aware of myself which Casini said.

The article I read, made me think that the medical professionals were right about the updated versions of the documents. Vesna mentioned that how much the medical technology has improved throughout time. As more time go by, technology for the medical side is going to get better and we can see the connection between art and medicine such as MRI.

Work Cited 

Hajar, Rachel. “What Has Art to Do with Medicine?” Heart Views : The Official Journal of the Gulf Heart Association, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2018, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5965014/. 

“Medicine and Art.” MEDICINE AND ART, medicineandartucla.weebly.com/. Accessed 26 Apr. 2024. 

Scott, P Anne. “The Relationship between the Arts and Medicine.” Medical Humanities, Institute of Medical Ethics, 1 June 2000, mh.bmj.com/content/26/1/3. 

“Department of Art as Applied to Medicine.” Johns Hopkins Medicine, www.hopkinsmedicine.org/medical-art. Accessed 26 Apr. 2024. 

“Art + Medicine.” Twin Cities PBS, www.tpt.org/art-medicine/. Accessed 26 Apr. 2024. 



  1. Hi Azuma! I really enjoyed your thoughts on the intersections of art and medicine. I am also very interested in medicine as I want to be a psychiatrist in the future. Your blog post got me thinking about all the times I've been to the doctors and have had procedures such as x-rays done on me yet I never really thought of it as a form of art. I think it's really cool how you connected your experience with the echocardiogram to Casini's experience with an MRI machine. It gave me more perspective into the many small components of these machines and how focusing on the sounds they make or their vibrations can be a form of art. Thank you for the insightful read!

  2. Hi Azuma,

    I thought it was interesting to read how you connected the way blood pumps into your body reminds you of art because of a procedure that you personally experienced. I also liked how you wrote that an ultrasound machine made you more aware of yourself similar to Casini. I think that it is really interesting that you were able to apply class content of medtech to your personal life and experiences. Thank you for your post!

  3. Hi Azuma! Your blog post was extremely informative as I was able to learn something from it. You mentioned that you recently did a procedure called echocardiography. Before reading your post I have never heard of echocardiography before and wasn't aware that it shows how blood flows by the usage of sound waves. Watching the weeks lecture material really made me understand that the human body and art are intrinsically intertwined. Even the different procedures such as MRI, X-ray and CAT scans use pictures or graphics, things that are inherently artistic, to depict the human body. All in all, well done!


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