
Showing posts from April, 2024

Event 1

 The event I attended was called "Silent Vibrations and Silent Echos" by Ivana Dama. This event happened on April 17 and I thought it was a very interesting topic because Ivana is from Serbia, Belgrade and she was using her experience from the bombing into art. She talked about the connection between sound, memory and humans experience and how she wanted to use those in her art and the project she's been working on. Down below is a picture of one of her work and it may look like there is nothing going on but the design in the art was made by sounds and it created this art. Ivana also mentioned her art work is used by the sounds and air from Belgrade when bombing was going on. This was very interesting because not many people can think this outside the box and she used negative energy into a positive artwork.  Lastly this photo below shows one of her projects which she used of the the bombing alarms and put it I side a silent box and this project was a message that the wom

Week 4MedTech

 Week 4 Blog: MedTech April 26, 2024 In Lecture 3 Vesna inspired me to discover that plastic surgery was used long ago, about 4000 years ago, and it was a old eastern style in the medical field. There is a similarity between art and medicine, nowadays its called plastic surgery, and the main goal is the appearance aspect. The one cool thing that I found out about art and medicine is that there are other medical procedure that's related to art.  I did a procedure a while back and it was called "echocardiography" and echocardiography is a procedure when the doctor uses a machine to see how blood flows by using sound waves. In lecture 2 Vesna mentioned that to be able to detect a diseases without invasive procedures, the doctors needs to do a non invasive method which consist of MRI, X-ray and CAT. Using these methods reminds me of art because the way the pumping the blood goes across my body, I can feel a more rhythmic vibration.  When Casini said she felt a "aural hal

Robotics + Art

 Week 3  Robotics + Art  To me industrialization is when factories produce mass productions, assembly lines that are controlled by big machinery. Cool thing is that when you think about technology, art, and robots it is not just about high tech machinery. So a philosopher named Walter Benjamin, talks about how things are made and gives us an image to look at the process. He explains his view of art that is changed by machines and he elaborates how these machines are taking our creativity away which is called "aura".      In the movie "Ex Machina" it explains how a robot name Ava interacts with a young man and I had some thoughts in my head about robots. One of the thoughts were, " what if robots become smarter than humans and they use that power to take humans over" " Does this mean our existence is over" These kinds of questions pop up because of how smart Ava is . A guy name Karl Capek, came up with the name robot to technology like Ava and he

Week 3 Robotics + Art

 Desma 9 Art, Science and Technology  Week 3 Blog Industrialization and Robotics       In society, we think of industrialization as a challenging and wide range way. Factors that contribute to industrialization are things in the political, social, cultural and economic standpoint. In an economic standpoint, industrialization creates a shift in how jobs are divided to the agriculture and manufacturing areas. This leads to more people that live in rural areas to urban areas for work in manufactures in urban areas. the areas that have a lot of industries, increases urbanization, that affects family structures and social population. Consequently,  when money is collected among industrialists and workers that go through harsh working environments, industrialization is affected when there is an income gap. This gap acts as an issue that ends up being a labor movement that fights for better working environments.      Industrialization also has technological technology and state using  tools l

Week 2 Math and Art

 April 11, 2024 Week 2 Math and Art by Azuma Visaya      In art, using math such as geometric patterns, perspective techniques and algorithmic composition has made a change in art. Having math as a foundation helps support the physical phenomenon and the development of computational algorithms. The science part has helped as a universal language to let us know the creativity and problem solving in both fields.      An artist that uses mathematics is Vincent van Gogh. He used geometry and perspective intuitively to have a more geographic depth and structure balance. Even though Vincent Van Gogh didn't purposely use mathematics in his art, he still had the balance and proportion in his artwork. The way he used colors shows his knowledge of visual dynamics and balanced juxtaposition which has been based on scientific color theory. Overall, Vincent van Gogh has this talent of understanding the mathematical part of art which was expressed in his artwork.      Using mathematics is a grea

Week 1: Two Cultures

 April 5, 2024 Week 1: Two Cultures The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo a Vinci               After reading the article, Leonardo De Vinci speaks in favor of the intersection of art, science and technology. These connections are encouraged by the “Third Culture” that involves elements of all three areas.The main goal is for artists, scientists and scholars to collaborate . By working together, they can share ideas and have respect for each other's ideas.  North and South Campus of UCLA      As I was walking around the UCLA campus, I can see a lively relationship between the sciences and humanities because of its different programs and research actions the school provides. A unique thing about UCLA is that it offers programs like digital media,arts, engineering and cultural studies because of the collaborations of artists, scientists and scholars that's at UCLA. Also having events and seminars at UCLA is a way to help promote communications between the two cultures of art and science.