
Event 3

  In my last event I took on the challenge to not use my phone for 24 hours. Before doing the challenge I was thinking that this is going to be difficult because I basically use my phone every second. From the start of the challenge, I was itching to see my phone and to use it and it made me realize how addicted I am to my phone. I would usually go on social media or to just check the time but I couldn't do that and it made me itch a couple of times.  While doing other things like hanging out with my friends, I began to be more curious about my friends thoughts and even my own which made our talks more meaningful and deeper. At the sametime realized that usually if I have my phone I'll be half listening and do other things while listening like texting or doing other tasks which makes conversations less meaningful. This made me more engaged in conversations and to ask more detailed questions in order to get conversations flowing.  I felt more present because I can sense the thin

Week 9 Space and Art

 Week 9 Space and Art  May 30, 2024      In my opinion, I felt like Professor Vesna explained space as” a place where it comes altogether” lecture. Professor Vesna Talked about mathematics, nanotechnology, advanced  Technology and the other topics that we talked about throughout the quarter On how it all comes together. I feel that all the topics that we talked about throughout the quarter makes more sense, that is a frequent area than the other subjects that we learn in the quarter.      On the other hand, in my opinion, I think that space sometimes has an overload on art which makes the audience have an expectation which is not met. Some people might think about the stars and how the planets are all part of art and in general anything that goes on in space but the more you look into it it requires that astronomy has to use cautious techniques in order to reveal images that are in space. So this means that the images that we see in space are aligned and use wavelengths that you can’t

Week 8 Nanotechnology and Art

  The lecture I thought that professor Gimzewki showed a great example of nanotechnology. He was explaining that technology and how it could be used in art, more specifically I enjoyed the area of, more specifically , the area of nanophotonics. Professor Gimzewki Gave a great example of the which highlighted the light that reflected off each other like a Christmas tree structure. Professor Gimzewki also talked about how it is to use color in art because it can express the artwork and moving. It would be amazing if there is more artwork similar to the Morpho butterfly.  For me, I feel that doing art and a nano level is very interesting and should be done more in art. The artwork that Professor Rothemund showed is called “ 50 billion like smiley faces floating around in a single drop of water” and this artwork demonstrates the molecular computation that Professor Rothemund showed. Another different type of artwork that was displayed is using microscopic images and using atomic and molecu

Event #2

 Griffith Observatory          This week for my second event, I visited the Griffith Observatory. There was so much to be learned and so many connections to be made. I think that the first observation I made while I was there was the apparent connection between science and art. The way the observatory created the exhibit was one that really was visually appealing, but informative. It was almost like an art gallery when you took a step back and took in the whole room, but the closer you got to the images and "art" the more science you were able to learn.  The overall architecture was also something I thought worth looking at from an art and design perspective.   In Week 1, when we discussed the two cultures, one thing that really stood out to me was the divisions and differences between North and South Campus.   This picture shows the geometric shapes used to build the building.   Math and art are used together in this case. Finaly, I believe that this trip was a huge part of

week 7 Blog

 Week 7 Blog  May 19, 2024 (Vesna, Lecture 3 Week 7). I was fascinated and surprised to hear about Frued's cocaine used his role in medical malpractice.   (Vesna, Lecture 3 Week 7).   It is strange to learn that cocaine and morphine, which are now common household medications, were once found in soft drinks. (Vesna Lecture 3 Week 7).   The lecture this week made me reflect on our willingness to adopt technological and scientific innovations without carefully considering the risks.   I wonder what will be today's "cocaine", i.e. what item or chemical in our daily life is going to become dangerous and banned. Carl Jung writes, "We suffer from anxiety and neurosis today because the conscious and unconscious parts of us are not connected" (Jung).   Jung observes that our culture is reliant on instant gratification.   Pharmaceuticals are often the first option for treating depression in some cases.   Although I strongly support psychiatric medication, as I have s

week 6 BioTech and Art

 Week 6 Blog  May 11, 2024 What I remember before college, is the ethical of the advance technology my class had in biology and what shocks me is that even to this day reading this weeks material, I felt like I was back in high school. This weeks lecture we talked about the green fluorescent protein (Vesna). Ever since GFP was discovered, I had a lot of progress in science and in medicine and this makes me give my support the progress we had made as society. For me, it is amazing that we are able to get a specific part of a body and to give it a lot of attention in order to figure out the issue.  In my opinion, the problems with using biotechnology and using human and animals to test is that we are not able to find the limit and where were are crossing the line. This can lad to no standard or endpoint because it may gain popularity and it would be used for different purposes. This is also scary because we don't know who's " standard' is to far and who has more or less

Event 1

 The event I attended was called "Silent Vibrations and Silent Echos" by Ivana Dama. This event happened on April 17 and I thought it was a very interesting topic because Ivana is from Serbia, Belgrade and she was using her experience from the bombing into art. She talked about the connection between sound, memory and humans experience and how she wanted to use those in her art and the project she's been working on. Down below is a picture of one of her work and it may look like there is nothing going on but the design in the art was made by sounds and it created this art. Ivana also mentioned her art work is used by the sounds and air from Belgrade when bombing was going on. This was very interesting because not many people can think this outside the box and she used negative energy into a positive artwork.  Lastly this photo below shows one of her projects which she used of the the bombing alarms and put it I side a silent box and this project was a message that the wom